Beauveria bassiana
Beauveria bassiana is a fungus that grows naturally in soils throughout the world and acts as a parasite on various arthropod species; it thus belongs to the entomopathogenic fungi. It is used as a biological insecticide to control a number of pests, including termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids and various beetles. Its use in the control of bedbugs and malaria-transmitting mosquitoes is under investigation.
The insect disease caused by the fungus Beauveria bassiana is a muscardine which has been called white muscardine disease. When the microscopic spores of the fungus come into contact with the body of an insect host, they germinate, penetrate the cuticle, and grow inside, killing the insect within a matter of days. Afterwards, a white mold emerges from the cadaver and produces new spores. A typical isolate of B. bassiana can attack a broad range of insects; various isolates differ in their host range. The factors responsible for host susceptibility are not known.”

Beauveria bassiana is a fungus that grows naturally in soils throughout the world and acts as a parasite on various arthropod species, causing white muscardine disease; it thus belongs to the entomopathogenic fungi. It is used as a biological insecticide to control a number of pests, including termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids and various beetles. Its use in the control of bedbugs and malaria-transmitting mosquitoes is under investigation.
The insect disease caused by the fungus Beauveria bassiana is a muscardine which has been called white muscardine disease. When the microscopic spores of the fungus come into contact with the body of an insect host, they germinate, penetrate the cuticle, and grow inside, killing the insect within a matter of days. Afterwards, a white mold emerges from the cadaver and produces new spores. A typical isolate of B. bassiana can attack a broad range of insects; various isolates differ in their host range. The factors responsible for host susceptibility are not known.
Collection August 2024
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Spotted in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana a Golden silk orb-weaver dead from white muscardine disease with white mold emerging from the cadaver’s joints and pores.
Beauveria bassiana parasitizing the Colorado potato beetle has been reported to be, in turn, the host of a mycoparasitic fungus Syspastospora parasitica. This organism also attacks related insect-pathogenic species of the Clavicipitaceae.
Beauveria bassiana can be used as a biological insecticide to control a number of pests such as termites, whiteflies, and many other insects. Its use in the control of malaria-transmitting mosquitos is under investigation. As an insecticide, the spores are sprayed on affected crops as an emulsified suspension or wettable powder or applied to mosquito nets as a mosquito control agent.
A microevolutionary experiment in 2013 showed that the Greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) was able to adapt its defense mechanisms during 25 generations, while being under constant selective pressure from the fungus B. bassiana. The moth developed resistance, but apparently, at a cost.
Preliminary research has shown the fungus is 100% effective in eliminating bed bugs exposed to cotton fabric sprayed with fungus spores. It is also effective against bed bug colonies due to B. bassiana carried by infected bugs back to their harborages. The tested strain of B bassiana caused rapid mortality (3 – 5 days) after short-term exposure. In a 2017 follow-up study, pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs had >94% mortality after treatment with a commercial preparation of B. bassiana.
As a species, Beauveria bassiana parasitizes a very wide range of arthropod hosts. However, different strains vary in their host ranges, some having rather narrow ranges, like strain Bba 5653 that is very virulent to the larvae of the diamondback moth and kills only few other types of caterpillars. Some strains do have a wide host range and should, therefore, be considered nonselective biological insecticides. These should not be applied to flowers visited by pollinating insects.
Known targets include:
Chinch bug
Lygus bugs
Stink bugs (Halyomorpha halys)
Fire ants
Stem borers
Fungal gnats
Bark beetle
Black vine weevil
Boll weevil
Cereal leaf beetle
Coffee berry borer
Colorado potato beetle
Emerald ash borer (in conjunction with the parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus planipennisi)
Japanese beetle
Mexican bean beetle
Red palm weevil
Strawberry root weevil
Codling moth
Douglas fir tussock moth
European corn borer
Invasive silkworms
Apple clearwing moth
How to Use Beauveria bassiana?
For growing: Just put the medium, you want to put it on into a jar. Then sterilize it at 121°C for arround 1 hour (depends how much you use). Afterwards just inject the Liquid Culture in to it.
How to use Beauveria bassiana:
Using a Sprayer:
Once you have weighed your dose (2 to 4g/L):
Transfer into a hermetically sealed container
Add cold or room-temperature water (2 L of water for a 100 L tank)
Mix well for 30 to 45 seconds
Pour your premix into the spray tank
Rinse the premix container with water three times and add the rinse water to the spray tank
Prepare a fresh batch for each application
> apply where you see infections
PH Levels
Agar Culture Media
5.0 – 6.5
Spawn Run
6.0 – 7.0
Fruiting Phase
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Temp °C |
~26 | 30 | 20 |
Relative Humidity % |
90-100 | 80-90 | |
Duration d |
7-14 | 7-10 | 30-60 |
CO2 ppm |
>10000 | ||
FAE per h |
0-1 | ||
Light lux |
– | 1000 | 1000 |
Apply Beauveria bassiana in the late afternoon, in the evening or on a rainy day
Beauveria bassiana spores are very sensitive to UV rays. For this reason, we advise you to apply this product in the late afternoon or evening.
Make sure the atmospheric humidity is favourable for application
Beauveria bassiana is a fungus, it prefers a humid environment. We recommend maintaining the relative humidity at 60% or higher during foliar applications.
With the right level of humidity, once the infected insect is dead, the fungus’ mycelium will emerge from the pest’s different sutures. The white filaments look a bit like cotton fluff. If a healthy insect comes into contact with the mycelium, it will also get infected and die.
Note that poor conditions (e.g. not humid enough, too hot, UV exposure) can stop the mycelium from developing outside the contaminated insect.
Make sure the ambient temperature is favourable
High temperatures can reduce the viability of the spores. Optimal application temperatures are between 18 and 29 ºC. Spores develop more slowly below 15 ºC and become inactive above 33 ºC.
Cropping Cycle
Inoculation Phase
(1-2 days)
- Preparation: Sterilize the growth medium, commonly rice or another grain substrate, to eliminate unwanted microorganisms.
- Inoculation: Introduce B. bassiana spores to the sterilized substrate. This can be done in sterile conditions to prevent contamination.
Spawn Run
(7-14 days)
- Growth Conditions: Incubate the inoculated substrate at optimal temperature (typically around 25-28°C) with high humidity.
- Monitoring: Check regularly for contamination and ensure the substrate remains moist but not waterlogged.
- Development: The fungus will colonize the substrate, forming a white mycelial mat as it spreads.
Fruiting Phase
(10-20 days)
- Induction of Sporulation: Adjust environmental conditions to favor sporulation, usually involving exposure to light and a slight decrease in temperature and humidity.
- Sporulation: The fungus will produce conidia (spores), which appear as a white to cream-colored powdery layer on the substrate surface.
(1-3 days)
- Harvesting Spores: Once a dense layer of spores has formed, they can be harvested. This is typically done by scraping the spores off the substrate or by using a vacuum collection system.
- Drying and Storage: Dry the spores carefully to maintain viability and store them in a cool, dry place until they are ready for use.

How to make Agar Culture Media for B. bassiana?
- Dissolve the malt extract and agar in distilled water.
- Sterilize the solution by autoclaving at 121°C for 15-20 minutes.
- Pour the sterilized media into petri dishes or other containers under sterile conditions.
- The Yeast is optional, but you can add it to any recipe for nutritions, same for Peptone.
Yeast Extract Agar
- Yeast extract: 10 g
- Glucose: 20 g
- Agar: 15 g
- Distilled water: 1 liter
- Dissolve yeast extract, glucose, and agar in distilled water.
- Bring to a boil to dissolve the agar.
- Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
- Dextrose: 40 g
- Peptone: 10 g
- Agar: 15 g
- Distilled water: 1 liter
- Dissolve dextrose, peptone, and agar in distilled water.
- Bring to a boil to dissolve the agar.
- Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
Czapek Dox Agar
- Sucrose: 30 g
- Sodium nitrate: 2 g
- Dipotassium phosphate: 1 g
- Magnesium sulfate: 0.5 g
- Potassium chloride: 0.5 g
- Ferrous sulfate: 0.01 g
- Agar: 15 g
- Distilled water: 1 liter
- Dissolve all ingredients in distilled water.
- Bring to a boil to dissolve the agar.
- Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
Potato Dextrose Agar
- Potatoes: 200 g
- Dextrose: 20 g
- Agar: 15 g
- Distilled water: 1 liter
- Boil potatoes in water until soft.
- Strain and save the liquid, discarding the potatoes.
- Add dextrose and agar to the potato extract.
- Mix well, bring to a boil to dissolve the agar.
- Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
Fruiting Containers
Petri Dishes
- Use: Primarily for small-scale or laboratory cultivation.
- Advantages: Allows for easy observation and contamination control.
- Preparation: Sterilize the dishes and pour the agar medium, inoculate with B. bassiana, and incubate under controlled conditions.
Glas or Plastic Jar
- Use: Suitable for medium-scale cultivation.
- Advantages: Reusable (glass) and provides a sterile environment for the fungus.
- Preparation: Fill with sterilized substrate (e.g., rice, millet), inoculate, and incubate. Ensure jars have proper ventilation to avoid excess moisture buildup.
Plastic Bags
- Use: Common for large-scale commercial production.
- Advantages: Flexible, inexpensive, and can hold a large volume of substrate.
- Preparation: Fill with sterilized substrate, inoculate, and seal. Puncture small holes for ventilation or use specialized filter bags to allow gas exchange.
- Use: Suitable for medium to large-scale cultivation.
- Advantages: Provides a larger surface area for fungal growth and sporulation.
- Preparation: Spread the sterilized substrate evenly across the tray, inoculate, and cover with a breathable material to maintain humidity while allowing gas exchange.
Fermentation Chambers
- Use: Industrial-scale production.
- Advantages: Allows for precise control of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and air exchange).
- Preparation: Inoculate large volumes of substrate within the chamber. These systems often include automated controls for optimal fungal growth and spore production.
Beauveria bassiana thrives on a variety of substrates, commonly used for both laboratory cultivation and large-scale production. The ideal substrates include grains such as rice, millet, and barley, which provide the necessary nutrients for fungal growth. Additionally, agricultural by-products like cornmeal and wheat bran are also effective. These substrates are often sterilized to eliminate competing microorganisms before inoculation with B. bassiana spores. The choice of substrate impacts the yield and quality of the spores, with grains being favored for their nutrient density and ease of handling. The substrate must be kept moist but not waterlogged to support optimal fungal colonization and sporulation.
To enhance the growth and sporulation of Beauveria bassiana, various additives can be incorporated into the substrate. Nutrient supplements such as yeast extract, peptone, and sugar can significantly boost fungal growth by providing additional sources of nitrogen and carbon. Trace elements like zinc, iron, and magnesium are also beneficial, supporting enzymatic activities and overall metabolic processes of the fungus. Additionally, adjusting the pH of the substrate to around 6.0-7.0 can create a more favorable environment for B. bassiana. These additives and adjustments help in maximizing the biological efficiency and spore production of the fungus.
Biological efficiencie
The biological efficiency (BE) of Beauveria bassiana refers to the ratio of the biomass or spores produced to the amount of substrate used. High biological efficiency is crucial for the commercial viability of B. bassiana as a biocontrol agent. On average, the BE of B. bassiana can range from 20% to 50%, depending on the substrate and cultivation conditions. Factors influencing BE include the type of substrate, the presence of nutrient additives, incubation temperature, humidity, and aeration. Optimizing these parameters can significantly enhance the BE, resulting in higher yields of viable spores for pest control applications.
Sometimes we miss a piece
Growing Chracteristics
Specific insects are often saved and others are again preferred hosts.
Natrual Habitat
On dead insects such as whiteflies, thrips, spider mites, Colorado potato beetle, corn borer, bark beetle, decaying redwoods and/or arthropod parasites, spring to late fall, very rare.
How to identify A. subrufescens
Additional Information
Identifying Beauveria bassiana involves observing several key morphological characteristics. The mycelium starts as white and gradually turns yellowish-white, then yellowish, and finally to a greenish-yellow color as sporulation progresses. The fungus does not have a cap, stipe, or veil, distinguishing it from many mushroom-forming fungi. The spores, or conidia, are hyaline (translucent), one-celled, and typically oval to slightly cylindrical. Under a microscope, the conidiophores, which bear the conidia, appear as branching structures. One potential danger of confusion is with other similar-looking entomopathogenic fungi, such as Metarhizium spp. However, B. bassiana can be confirmed through its unique combination of morphological traits and molecular techniques such as DNA sequencing.
- Growth Pattern: The fungus primarily grows on insects, forming a white to yellowish mat of mycelium over the host.
- Microscopic Features: Under the microscope, the conidiophores (spore-bearing structures) of B. bassiana can be seen as branching structures that produce chains of conidia (spores).
- Substrate: Commonly infects insects, which serve as the primary substrate for growth and spore production.
- Diameter: 1-3 (4) cm
- Color: White
- Texture: Granular
- Shape: Growing like a head, tufted
- Location: Emerges from the body of dead insects
This section is not typically applicable to Beauveria bassiana as it is not a typical mushroom-forming fungus and does not have a traditional hymenium layer like gilled mushrooms.

B. bassiana does not have a stipe (stem) in the traditional sense, as it forms directly on insect hosts.
There is no veil present, as it is not a feature of Beauveria bassiana.
- Color: White
- Size: 3.7-4.9 x 8-11 µm
- Shape: Roundish
Danger of confusion
Kammkoralle (Clavulina coralloides)
Insektenkernkeule (Cordyceps spp.)
Raupenkernkeule (Cordyceps militaris)
Gestielter Insektenschimmelpilz (Lecanicillium lecanii)
Puppenkernkeule (Cordyceps subsessilis)
- Color: Initially white, turning yellowish-white, then yellowish, and finally greenish-yellow
- Structure: Hyphae are septate, meaning they have cross-walls dividing the cells
- Texture: Filamentous, branching structure
Gorumet Perception
You should not eat this fungus. Beauveria bassiana is an entomopathogenic fungus used primarily for biological pest control. It is not intended for human consumption and is not recognized as edible or gourmet.
The smell of Beauveria bassiana is generally neutral, lacking any strong or distinctive odor.
The taste of Beauveria bassiana is considered insignificant and not noteworthy, reinforcing its unsuitability for culinary use.
The mycelium and spores of Beauveria bassiana are whitish in color.
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Nutritional content of 100g
Due to the fact that Beauveria bassiana is not consumed by humans, detailed nutritional content for a 100-gram portion is not typically documented. However, if studied, the nutritional profile would likely be similar to other fungi, potentially including basic nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in varying amounts.
Beauveria bassiana contains several bioactive compounds that contribute to its efficacy as a biological control agent:
Beauvericin: A cyclic hexadepsipeptide with insecticidal, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
Bassianin: Another bioactive compound with similar insecticidal properties.
Beauverolides: Secondary metabolites with potential cytotoxic activities.
Oosporein: An anthraquinone pigment with antibiotic properties.
These compounds make Beauveria bassiana an effective pathogen against insects, causing them to die after infection. Despite its effectiveness in pest control, these bioactive substances also highlight why it is unsuitable for human consumption, as they could be harmful if ingested.
Bioactive Compounds
- Chemical Structure: A cyclic hexadepsipeptide.
- Properties: Insecticidal, antibacterial, antifungal, and cytotoxic.
- Function: Disrupts cell membranes by forming ion channels, leading to cell death in insects and other organisms.
- Chemical Structure: A secondary metabolite.
- Properties: Insecticidal.
- Function: Interferes with cellular processes in insects, contributing to their death upon infection.
- Chemical Structure: Cyclodepsipeptides.
- Properties: Cytotoxic.
- Function: These compounds exhibit cytotoxic activities which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in vitro, although this is not their primary use.
- Chemical Structure: Anthraquinone pigment.
- Properties: Antibiotic, antifungal.
- Function: Inhibits the growth of competing microorganisms, thus aiding the survival and spread of Beauveria bassiana in its natural habitat.
Tenellin and Bassianolide
- Chemical Structure: Secondary metabolites.
- Properties: Insecticidal.
- Function: Enhance the virulence of Beauveria bassiana against insect hosts.
Additional Compounds
Although more commonly associated with Metarhizium anisopliae, destruxins are also produced by some strains of B. bassiana. These cyclic hexadepsipeptides exhibit insecticidal and immunosuppressive properties.
Proteases, chitinases, and lipases produced by B. bassiana degrade the insect cuticle, facilitating fungal penetration and infection.
Nutritional Profile
Essential for growth and metabolic functions.
Serve as energy sources.
Integral components of cell membranes.
Trace elements such as zinc, iron, and magnesium are present and are crucial for enzymatic functions.
other names
Finnish: Harmaapahkura
Hungarian: Fehér muscardine gomba
Polish: Grzybnia biała
Danish: Hvid muscardinesvamp
Norwegian: Hvit muscardinesopp
Turkish: Beyaz kasımpatı mantarı
Greek: Λευκός μύκητας μουσκαρδίνης (Lefkós mýkitas mouskardínis)
Czech: Bílá muscardine houba
Slovak: Biela muscardínová huba
Romanian: Ciuperca muscardină albă
Ungestielter Insektenschimmelpilz, Weiße Muskardinerkrankheit, Beauveria Bassiana, Botrytis Bassiana, Spicaria Bassiana, Penicillium Bassianum, Penicillium Densum, Beauveria Densa, Spicaria Densa, Isaria Densa, Sporotrichum Densum, Sporotrichum Globuliferum, Beauveria Globulifera, Botrytis Effusa, Beauveria Effusa, Sporotrichum Epigaeum Var. Terrestre, Botrytis Stephanoderis, Beauveria Stephanoderis, Sporotrichum Sulfurescens, Botrytis Stephanoderis F. Macroconidian, Beauveria Sulfurescens, Isaria Shiotae, Tritirachium Shiotae, Beauveria Shiotae, Botrytis Stephanoderis, Botrytis Bassiana Var. Lunzinensis, Beauveria Doryphorae
Taxonomical Hierarchy
Kingdom | Fungi |
Division | Ascomycota |
Class | Sordariomycetes |
Order | Hypocreales |
Family | Cordycipitaceae |
Genus | Beauveria |
Species | B. bassiana |
Ecology | Parasitic |
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